Micro what?

“I want it now!” – is usually a saying you would expect to hear from a toddler in a supermarket isle. However, it is also what we as consumers are saying today. We want immediate gratification, and we are making decisions faster than ever before.

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The introduction of smartphones has brought about a new wave of customer interaction. Whether it is a quick online purchase, looking up directions or researching information, consumers have an expectation for speed and efficiency when completing these tasks.

Image result for google maps gif

Have you ever been talking to someone about a movie you saw the other night, but you can’t recall the name of the lead actor? Without thinking you Google the movie on your phone and within seconds you have your answer?

Have you ever been somewhere you are unfamiliar with and you need directions, so instead of asking the person walking by you, you’re initial reaction is to pull out your phone and check Goggle maps?

These moments are what Google calls, a micro-moment. A moment when a person turns to their device to act on a need. These needs are spilt into 4 categories:

Image result for google micro moments

How do micro-moments help to market products? Marketers are now implementing these micro-moments into our every day lives without us even realising.

As consumers, we rely on our mobile devices to inform us and make decisions for us. Brands are becoming more and more aware of this ‘need’ we are seeking, and are starting to adjust their campaigns and advertising accordingly.

Take Bondi Sands as an example. They are a premium self-tanning brand that is gaining global awareness and have gained a huge following through their online social media platforms by generating content through influencers.

They partnered up with a company called Shout Agency to help get their name and product out there through mobile marketing. This lead to a 70% increase in online sales and have achieved the number 1 ranking in brand awareness for self tanning!

None of this would have been possible without mobile marketing through your smartphone. Bondi Sands used micro moments to their advantage through Instagram stories advertising their product and having influencers posting their love of the product. This worked because consumers enjoy seeing what influencers post about and also scroll through videos on Instagram daily without even thinking of it as an invasion of advertisement.

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What are your thoughts on micro-moments? Are you now realising that you almost interact with a micro-moment daily on your phones? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

8 thoughts on “Micro what?

  1. I must now micro manage my time due to the ever increasing number of work related matters forced upon me via various social media platforms. I recall when I would receive a facsimile and respond then email and respond but today…..I can’t get out of bed until I have read market updates from at least 10 different media platforms. Each of these contain influencers posting their products. And so the cycle continues!


    1. It’s crazy to see how things have changed over the years all due to the wave of the smartphone. These micro-moments can alter you buying habits and your brand choices, all within seconds.


  2. Micro moments are so influential, completely agree with everything you’ve said! Mobile devices are so amazing these days that brands can hit us at so many different times in so many unique ways.


    1. Technology really has come such a long way. Brands now have the ability to catch us at any moment of the day, even if we don’t have the time! We could be walking from one meeting to another, quickly check our phone and we’ve been exposed to 2 influencers promoting products in the space of 30 seconds!


  3. Love how you’ve described micro moments! It definitely is a very powerful tool that can influence us consumers in so many different ways! I hadn’t even thought about it on instagram when i scroll.


    1. I hadn’t either Jacqui until I wrote this blog post! Now every time I’m on Instagram I can’t help but think about them and how effective they are in marketing products without us even really being full aware of it!


  4. I agree that micro-moments are definitely a thing! I use google and social media for almost everything and if I need help finding more information about something I will simply search for it. I have many I-want-to-know moments through a day whether it be about what to eat, where to shop and even what train to take! Great post Zoe!


    1. I have I-want-to-know moments every day too. Smartphones just make it almost impossible to not to have these micro moments to find the answers were looking for!!


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