IMC – Pass or Fail?

Marketing techniques are rapidly changing with the introduction of new technologies, social media, and apps entering the market. Integrated Marketing Communication Campaigns are one of a simple concept. It ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together. At its most basic level, Integrated Marketing Communications, or IMC, as we’ll call it, means integrating all the promotional tools, so that they work together in harmony.

You might remember the  Dove campaign for Real Beauty? This was a campaign created to help boost their overall brand awareness, to stand out form their competitors. It became a worldwide marketing campaign that was launched by Unilever in 2004 that included advertisements, videos, workshops, sleepover events and the publication of a book and the production of a play.

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According to CIO Magazine, there are 7 ways to create a successful integrated marketing campaign.

1. Have a clear understanding of who your audience is
Dove focused on an audience of highly engaged women active on digital and social media. They focused on females, ages 18 to 35, who valued natural, healthy beauty products.

2. Pick your channels
Dove used many channels – billboard advertisements, tv advertisements, magazine publications and social media platforms. In 2013 “Real Beauty” sketchers were released which showed women describing their appearances to a forensic sketch artist, this became the most watched video ad of all time.

Image result for dove real beauty campaign sketches

3. Have a consistent look
It is easy to see consistency in the campaign with predominantly white backgrounds, simple designs and real women. This aligned with the brands values and personality that they are a honest, straight forward and simple brand.  

4. Create clear consistent content
Doves message was consistent and made loud and clear: “ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL”

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They incorporated content that was consistent to the theme across all there advertising platforms.

As a result of the campaign, Dove’s sales increased from $2.5bn to over $4bn. It was not only seen as a financial success but also groundbreaking, insightful and authentic. It started a new trend in advertising, making the use of an integrated marketing campaign very successful!

What are your thoughts on this? Are there any other IMC campaigns that you believe have been successful? Let me know in the comments below. 

6 thoughts on “IMC – Pass or Fail?

  1. Great work Zoe! The Dove campaign was a very well thought our IMC campaign. Now that you put it in this context I can understand how it was so successful. Another great IMC campaign to think about is the ‘Dumb Ways to Die’ campaign by METRO. They delivered their campaign through a song, animated video, game and more!


    1. Thanks for the comment Michelle! I remember the ‘Dumb Ways’ to Die’ campaign so well! I still think of that catchy song whenever I am standing at a train platform!


  2. IMC campaigns can be really powerful! I definitely remember this dove one. Another one I remember was the Like A girl campaign. I think for an IMC campaign to be successful it really has to be an innovative idea and dove did that really well!


    1. Like A Girl was a great IMC campaign! I still remember their campaigns with the videos of all different girls showing off their skills and encouraging girls everywhere to embrace failures too. The fact that I can still remember that means it was obviously a very successful IMC campaign!


  3. Great read Zoe! I agree, Dove have done all their campaigns really well following the IMC steps! Another Dove one that stands out to me is their all different bodies and colours campaign! I think if a campaign has stuck in your mind, even years later, that their IMC campaign has been very well done!


    1. Thanks Jacqui! Oh yes, I remember that campaign too! That was definitely another successful IMC campaign by Dove. I agree, the more memorable a campaign, the more successful and I believe IMC campaigns in most cases are more memorable!


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